Forum Chatbox Rules!
1. There should be NO FLAMING/ EGOING/ TROLLING in chatbox. You can take that to MSN or Private/ Visitor Messages.
2. There should be NO ARGUMENTS in the chatbox, take that to MSN or Private/ Visitor Messages.
3. There should be NO INSULTS directed to any member of the community.
4. No Staff Member Bashing. No Staff Members are here to be raged at/ insulted/ argued with.
5. NO SPAMMING, you have Spamz0rs zone for it.
6. No Posting of Pornographic images in Chatbox, we have our own stock.
7. No advertising links. No advertising other Private Servers or any other website.
1. Flaming/Egoing/ Trolling: Warning, Infraction, 1-20 days ban from Chatbox. May also result in Account ban.
2. Argueing: Warning, Infraction, 1-20 days ban from Chatbox. May also result in Account ban.
3. Insulting: Warning, Infraction, 1-20 days ban from Chatbox. May also result in Account ban.
4. Staff Bashing: 7 day chatbox ban. May also result in a specific period account ban.
5. Spamming: Warning, 1-7 day ban from chatbox.
6. Obscure images: Warning, Permanent ban from Chatbox.
7. Advertising: Permanent ban from forums.
The Penalties may vary. Continuation will result in Permanent Account Ban.